Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So.. this is my first blog post ever so please go easy on me. My blogging "history" is almost non-existent, I've only ever read about 5 actual blogs so writing one is more difficult and terrifying then you may think. Hoping this gets easier as I gain more "experience"

 Anyhoo, I'm not famous, I'm not uber exciting and I'm definitely not a writer BUT I am a "photographer" or.... atleast at this point, I take photographs and am learning to be a photographer, hence the blog. Although I'm sure boring stories of the day to day or maybe even a new and exciting knitting pattern (don't judge) will sneak it's way into a few posts, I'm mainly using this to drop some photos off to share with you wonderful people! Let me know what you think and of course if you like what you see and for some reason are in need of someone to take your pretty picture, drop me a line!


1 comment:

  1. tara,
    My fiancee and I are looking for a wedding photographer. I got your name from Shauna Thomas but we are having trouble finding contact info for you. Can you please email me at
